Contact us

To contact any of the list below please add “” to any of the addresses below. The 3 normal points of contact are general queries to the Secretary, membership queries to the Membership Secretary and hut bookings to the Bookings Officer.

The President: president@
Wessex Committee: committee@
Chairman: chairman@
Secretary: secretary@
Treasurer: treasurer@
Caving Secretary: caving@
Hut Warden (responsible for day-to-day maintenance): hutwarden@
Hut Administrator (responsible for longer term maintenance & development): hutadmin@
Membership Secretary: membership@
Editor: editor@
IT Officer: it@
Ordinary Members: ordinary@
Sales Officer: sales@
Tackle Officer: tackle@
Assistant Treasurer: assistant-treasurer@
Bookings Officer (responsible for all bookings of the hut and facilities): bookings@
Charterhouse Rep: cccltd@
Council of Southern Caving Clubs Rep: cscc@
Librarian: librarian@
Pwll Ddu Cave Management Group Rep: pwdcmg@
Training Officer: training@
Webmaster: webmaster@