Interested in joining the Wessex Cave Club?
The Wessex Cave Club was formed over eighty years ago and is one of the oldest caving clubs in the country. Currently membership numbers around 300, which makes us one of the largest caving clubs. We continue to welcome new, or returning members into our midst. The main requirements from joining the club, is of course firstly that you are a keen caver, but secondly that you get two members (with membership longer then one year) to vouch for you; this is common practice within caving clubs. Should you wish to join us, then please simply follow the below instructions. We look forward to seeing your application form at the next committee meeting.
How to join. Your first port of call is the Membership Secretary. You will need to find two current members to sign your application form (see below) as Proposer and Seconder. It is also a good idea to contact the Caving Secretary who can arrange for you to attend some caving trips and meet other members who can then act as Proposer and Seconder.
Please download and print a copy of the Application Form. Please note that the form has two sides, if possible please print it double sided. If this is not possible then at least staple the two sheets together. It should be filled out and returned to the membership secretary at the Wessex Cave Club. The membership secretary will contact you and notify you of the appropriate fee. Your application will be considered at the next committee meeting and they will write to let you know the outcome. You should keep the Notes.
The subscription for 2023/4 is:
- £40 for single members
- £60 for joint members (but can be less – see Application Form for details)
- £20 for student members in full time education or members under 25
- Free for junior members (under 18 on 1 January)
plus BCA membership (which provides liability insurance) which is £20 for 2024 (discounts are available to students, under 18s and non-cavers). Subscription rates if you join part way through the year is pro rata, details are on the Application Form.
Note that new members only pay for the quarters of year remaining (including the current one). Full details are in the notes on the application form.
A key giving access to the Upper Pitts and its facilities can be purchased by any member for a fee of £10. Contact the HQ Warden.
Lockers may be available to rent at an annual cost of:
- £10 – Digging Locker
- £10 – Large Locker
- £5 – Small Locker
Membership subscriptions can be paid by GoCardless, BACS, Cheque or Cash.
Senior Membership is only available after approval by the Committee. Contact the Membership Secretary for details.
A copy of our constitution can be found here.